James and Rikki met at Octoberfest held by the Kinsmen Club at the Norseman Inn up in Camrose in 2013. He proposed about 3 years later when they went on a trip to Europe to attend Octoberfest in Munich, Germany. They met up with a few of James’ friends at one of the local tents and spent the afternoon enjoying themselves. James made an excuse to run back to the hotel and when he returned he had changed his shirt to perfectly match Rikki’s dirndl. Not thinking anything of James’ disappearance and quick wardrobe change, they were there at the table chatting away when James passed his phone to one of his friends and asked them to record what was about to happen. He tapped Rikki on the shoulder and they exchanged some loud “I love yous” when James said “I love you and want to be with you forever” and she said “well I hope so!” and while she looked down there was an engagement ring in James’ hand. Rikki melted into tears while the whole crowd that surrounded them cheered – talk about movie scene! The funniest part of the whole thing was James never left to go get the ring, he had it the whole time! He left to change his shirt and grab more money for them to celebrate 🙂 Ha!

They’re planning to have their Wedding in the fall with a colour palette of black, cold and bordeaux! The day will be filled with a ton of food, good music and lots of laughter, and I already can’t wait to celebrate with you!
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