I'm so glad you're here! Welcome to the blog. This is where you'll find all of my latest work, some bride and groom wedding hacks, workshop experiences, announcements + more! You can browse what you fancy and I hope you grab a cup of coffee and stay awhile! 

The  Blog

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Matt contacted me back in December about a doing a family photo session in Calgary after seeing the sessions I’ve done for a bunch of mutual friends of ours. Of course I jump at any opportunity to photograph a family with kids, but I’m so grateful for the power of social media & the sharing of […]

Calgary Family Photographer { Matt + Charlotte }

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Brittany contacted me through Facebook back in February & we completely hit it off. Brittany made me feel so honoured to do this session for her after learning the special reason behind it. These images represent yes, two pregnancies & the love these couples have for each other-but also two families coming together & one […]

Stettler Family Photographer { Family Session }