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Drumheller Photographer :: Thomas + Spencer
You might remember Thomas & Spencer back in January when I travelled out to Byemoor to Photograph their 1 year anniversary. & If you remember correctly, it was one of the coldest day of the year! We only lasted maybe 15 minutes outside until we literally couldn’t take it anymore! I told them perhaps in the Spring we’ll capture some more & before we knew it, spring was here!
I asked if they wanted to continue their session in Drumheller (My new favourite spot!) which turned out perfectly since Thomas lives there. I worked a full day at my day job & then headed straight out there to meet them. They arrived just shortly after I did & we got straight to business. This couple are adorable to say the least, they laugh & have fun – it was great to capture! Towards the end, I looked at this huge hill in front of us, biting my lip. I said half joking/half serious “I’d love to get you guys up there…………” They looked at each other for a second & Spencer said “Lets go.” A couple who is up for anything is my kind of couple. I was dying inside. They climbed to the top no problem & the images are breathtaking. They were even joined by a coupe of wild geese up top!
Thank you both for letting me capture your story back in January, & again a few weeks ago! You’re both fun to hangout with & you’re great to photograph! I can’t wait to get you guys in front of my camera again!
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