I was so ecstatic seeing the news all over Facebook that these two had married while in Vegas! Being together 8 years with two beautiful babies, it was definitely a no brainer to hit Vegas & return home with the new title Mr & Mrs York <3
Watching both Tina & Kyle with their kids our last session in the Fall, just symbolizes one happy family. They’re in it for the long haul & from what I witness on social media, the things they do for their children is truly touching… & SO MUCH FUN!
These images speak for themselves with how much you both care & adore each other. You made things so easy by just simply being in love. When you are so comfortable & natural with your partner, the world around you just kind of disappears. & It was almost like I wasn’t even there.
Thank you both so much for being in front of my camera once again! We always have a great time at our sessions & I can’t wait for our next one with the whole family!
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