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Calgary Family Photographer { Nikki + Gavin }
Nikki & I just happened to go to High School together at Crescent Heights, graduating in 2008 (are we that old already?!) & I haven’t seen Nikki since! There are those people who come in & out of your life & nothing seems to change. You come back right where you left off. Nikki & I talked for a good 30 minutes after our session & it felt so incredible to catch up with her. Sure, you keep up on Facebook & social media… but there’s something so pure and refreshing catching up with old friends face to face!
Nikki is extremely patient & understanding with Gavin. As mothers, nobody knows our children better than we do, but Nikki takes that theory to a whole other level. She’s brave & courageous & I’m truly inspired by her, as I’m sure anyone who knows her, is too.
Thank you Nikki, for allowing me to capture these images of you & the light of your life. It means so much that you trusted me to deliver & I can’t wait to photograph you again. It was awesome catching up & finding out what you’ve been up too these last 7 years! I so look forward to hanging out again one day x
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