I’ve never done a post like this before, sharing my goals as a Photographer for the next 365 days… but I thought to myself how great it would be to look back on this post at around this time next year & (hopefully) be crossing things off! When I think of goals, I like to shoot for the stars while thinking realistically.. haha! Do I think I’ll be shooting a destination wedding on a beach in 2016? Probably not. I have two babies & no passport! it’s a long shot but it’s definitely not a goal I would set for myself right now. A Wedding in Canada but outside of Alberta? It’s on the list! This year I’d like to focus more on myself, rather than my craft. Of course those things kind of go together, but I’m aiming more towards the learning & less towards where I’d like to shoot next year.

CBP Goals of 2016
- GEAR :: I would like to complete my gear next year! I’ve done some huge upgrades in my lenses, switching to all primes & I’ve finally found the body I’m in love with! So I’d like to purchase a second D810 as a backup, my flash needs an upgrade & a couple more accessories 😉 As well as one of the BIGGEST things on my list that falls into this category… a 27″ Mac!
- EDUCATION :: I have only ever taken photography film classes in High School & two classes towards my Photojournalism Certificate at SAIT before moving to Stettler. I’d like to try & push all focus this year on learning! I wanna really educate myself & be the best photographer I can be. So I’ve made a promise to myself that I will take AT LEAST one workshop this year! Things at the top of my list are business, posing & lighting!
- TRAVELLING :: I would LOVE to shoot a Wedding outside of Alberta. & I already have a Wedding booked in Golden BC next year & I am SO EXCITED to cross this off my list!
- STYLED SHOOTS :: My first styled shoot will forever be my most prized accomplishment. I completely put myself out there & made a vision in my head completely unfold in my camera, with the help of such an incredible team! Next year I’d like to plan a full on Styled Wedding! Locations at the top of my list are a few parks in Calgary & the beautiful coulees in Drumheller!
- CONTESTS :: I’m a shareholder in a group that holds one of the biggest contests in the world. Shoot & Share is a group of Photographers solely focused on helping each other & last year they held a contest which ran worldwide with over 110,000 photos submitted! I was lucky enough to have 3 photo’s reach the finals but next year I’ve definitely made it a goal of mine to place.
- ME :: This job of mine first started out as a passion. A passion that drove me to skip classes in High School & venture downtown Calgary with my camera. A passion that made me fall in love with architecture & sunsets & all things living. I want to make more of an effort to do photography just for me. To take a drive & stop on the side of the road & capture whatever caught my eye. Soul soothe to the fullest & fall in love with it over & over again.
What are YOUR goals for 2016? Leave a comment down below, I’d love to hear them!
To be the best Nona to two very special little munchkins!
Very proud of you my beautiful daughter. xo Wish you much success in 2016!