TODAY IS MY 25TH BIRTHDAY! I cannot believe I’m halfway to 50 already (LOL!) but I can safely say that most of the things I wanted to accomplish before I turned 25 have definitely been checked off: Having a family of my own, owning my own business, completing my MOA Diploma… & the list just goes on!
Since I’ve gathered a ton of new friends/followers over on my Facebook page, I thought it would be a great idea to jot down 25 random facts about myself that you probably didn’t know!
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1. I have a twin brother & we look absolutely NOTHING alike!
2. I’ve been a photographer for over 10 years now
3. I hide my chocolate from my kids & then eat it when they go to bed so I don’t have to share
5. I am horrible at texting back! It’s nothing personal, I swear
6. I sleep with the TV on… & sometimes a light too when Matt is working night shifts
7. I still to this day have no idea what colour my eyes are…
8. I used to get my nails done every couple of weeks & since having kids I cannot stand having my nails done!
9. I cannot go a day without checking my instagram
10. I videotape my kids every single day. e v e r y s i n g l e d a y
11. I have never EVER tried a fruit or vegetable. The thought of putting that texture in my mouth just freaks me out. I wish I could go out & order a giant bowl of salad but I just can’t! It’s so gross!
12. No I don’t take vitamins or have ANY health problems… & my kids love salad 😉
13. My favourite TV shows are Judge Judy, Boarder Security & To Catch A Smuggler
14. My favourite food is definitely a grilled cheese sandwich from Moxies
15. I use my own self tanner & give myself that summer glow right in the comfort of my own bathtub.. LOL & no I’m not good at it!
16. My big sister is my best friend & when we’re together… laughing just ensues instantly with no words or explanations
17. I barely shave my legs because hair just does not grow there??
18. My favourite photographer is Ben Sasso
19. As OCD as I am… I am preeeetty unorganized. I like to think of myself as Monica Gellar… stupidly clean on one side of the door with a complete mess on the other.
20. This is the first time in 17 years my hair is the majority of it’s natural colour. Which is probably why I’m itching to go blonde again!
21. I’ve completed a 3 year phone plan.. with the SAME phone & I’m ridiculously proud of it
22. I find the hardest part about having children is cutting their toenails
23. I drown my pizza in ranch sauce
24. I went to Australia for a month with one of my best friends & it was life changing
25. Last but not least… I’m not a full-time photographer! I actually work at our local Sobeys here in Stettler! So if you’re ever in Sobeys, come say hello! I’ve had quite a few people come through my till asking if I’m “that photographer” & I AM! 🙂
**Images by my friend Kaihla Tonai
© Chloe photo 2023
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